Saturday, September 25, 2010

Photoshop curves command the whole Raiders

Increased number of images has never not been so rapid. If you are from the hands of an experienced photographer or a famous picture companies get the picture, then most of the time can be at ease. But there are a lot of pictures when I first got poor contrast, color cast of powerful, such as poor image from the CD-ROM, or slightly lower quality digital cameras and scanners, or the Internet, many free pictures, then Prior to use, modify images on the great need for it, and sometimes a "good" image is also need for further processing.

Controversial, there is a comment: Whatever, as long as he engaged in image editing, then he must be getting on familiar curves, apply it as natural as breathing. This argument is brave enough to measure! It has aroused your attention? If I was forced to give up all the image adjustment tools, leaving only a kind, then I will select the curve! Experts believe that the curve is that you used to improve the image quality of a variety of methods of choice!

Now, let us immediately to remove some misconceptions:

Curve is not a filter, which is loyal to the original image based on the image to make some adjustments, rather than filter effects can be created out of nothing;

Curve is not as elusive as long as the master some basic knowledge, you can master the other tools as soon as the master filter;

Control curve can give you more dramatic works, more exciting to come from under you;

Curve does not directly add points to your image, can not help you attract the attention of the opposite sex - but except for the boss!

Photoshop gives you the real fun is one of the software available to you are many options to solve problems. To adjust the image, in the image> adjust the menu, you can choose to have a lot of tools, my favorite reason is that only the curve of a tool you can:

Adjust contrast of all or a single channel;

Adjust the brightness of any local;

Adjust the color.

Curve can accurately adjust the image, given that the original picture should be scrapped and new vitality!

Although this article preference for Photoshop, (in particular, is one of the illustrations), but the regulatory function curves and images of each person dealing with very important, so even if you do not use Photoshop, you can also find much useful help . This has not made use of curve effects, though it certainly falls within the scope of effects. This will help those who edit images every day, to make them look more outstanding non-expert practitioners. Believe me, after reading this, the curve will be your right-hand man, like the hammer of the carpenter, like!

Now, let us open a curve a little bit of the mysterious veil of it!

Chapter I: first met Curve

Figure 01

Open the image> adjust> curves command, shortcut keys Ctrl + M, curve dialog box appears. (Figure 01) If necessary, we re-explain every single detail, is to prepare some basic knowledge first. If your screen looks and figure are not the same, hold down the Alt click within the grid, you can switch between the size of the grid, the grid size without affecting the function of the curve, but the smaller the grid can help you more Good observation. Also note that the middle section in the gray two small triangles, RGB image default is left-right-white-black, from the image of the shadow zone areas to bright areas, while the default CMYK image opposite. (Figure 02) in order to avoid confusion, I suggest you set it before the adjustment to their familiar pattern. Standard curve will give you more intuitive understanding.

Figure 02

First of all, one of the most obvious fact is that - do not curve! Why? You know, the curve reflects the image brightness values. Has set a pixel brightness value, you can change it so that it brightened or dimmed. Look at two maps (Figure 03,04), the following article represents the gray level of original color, vertical gray section represents the adjusted image tone. Without any changes, input and output color values are equal, so the curve is a straight line 45 degrees, this is the curve does not change. When you make changes to any point on the curve, but also changed the image pixel corresponding to the same brightness. Click to establish a regulatory point, this point can be dragged to move to any area within the grid is light is dark all see you up and down. The sudden change in brightness value will cause a very eye-catching effects; slow and gradual change, whether to increase or decrease the brightness value, will cause the color transition is smooth, realistic effect. The following example demonstrates a number of particular value when the curve is changed, since the image of what kind of role, and you can clearly see the shape of the curve changes. (To display, in this case, the curves are exaggerated, sometimes you need a strong change of the curve, but most of the time, the image curve of the changes should be much less.)

Figure 03

Figure 04


Chapter II: curves in the gray image of

After a brief, and finally to the actual operation phase. This section, we first of all to deal with a grayscale image, lay a good foundation, color photographs will be discussed in the next chapter. Now let's look at this poor picture (Figure 05): This is a dark digital camera to capture images of the evening, its lack of contrast, color pixels are too concentrated in the middle range. At work, you may run into such things. We can use curves to improve it? The answer is yes.

Figure 05

Figure 061-062: original image and the curve, adjust points, unchanged;

Figure 061

Figure 062

Figure 071-072: adjustment points to improve the brightness, brighten the overall picture;

Figure 071

Figure 072

Figure 081-082: lower the brightness adjustment points, the overall picture darker.

Figure 081

Figure 082

You may have found, either increase or decrease the curve of brightness alone can not completely solve the problem, they are a part of improving the image and also damaged the image of the other part. If we can learn from each other, then the problem is solved. Another feature of the curve can add multiple adjustment points. Add the image anywhere in the regulation point, a separate regulation, so that you can color values for different regions to adjust brightness. On this picture, the two adjustment points can work very well: to improve the brightness area bright part, to lower the brightness value of the Department of area. (Figure 091-092)

Figure 091

Figure 092

Tip: hold down Shift to select multiple adjustment points, such as to delete a certain point, the point can be dragged out of the curvilinear coordinates outside the region, or you can hold down the Ctrl click on the point.

In fact, as this is not on the Department of the Ministry and dark images, I will just start narrowing the scope to increase the contrast curve. We have said before, any point within the grid can be moved, of course, include the two end curves. If we ensure that the "curve" is a straight, will curve to the right endpoint shadow, bright Department of endpoints to the left, the curve becomes steeper, increasing mid-tone contrast. (Figure 10) the lack of this method compared to most of the middle tone image is useful! And it is similar, both ends of the slider is adjusted Levels among them to concentrate. Indeed, in this example, using Levels tool may be more clear. (Using curve tool does not mean not to use color scale, changes in other items, where, in order to achieve the objective of "unscrupulous" is not a bad thing) There's a little trick that can make you quick to make inverse effect: the black endpoint is shifted from the left of the top most, the white endpoint from the right, under the most on the move the most, so you do not have to use the inverse command can achieve the same effect. Now you might think: not every image has such a bright and dark Department of the Ministry. Yes! But most of all this. If you take advantage of, then all your pictures will grow more popular!

Figure 10

Theory we have, here are three top-secret weapons, those knowledgeable enough to make to your colleagues respect and admiration. Three trick in color images, grayscale images and is also useful, but we for convenience or grayscale images do take an example. Do not miss yo!

One trick: Use a straw to set the range of tools

Figure 11

Figure 11 have not noticed the part? Preview window lets you see the changes made, must be open. "Auto" option should be used with caution, once click on this button will make the brightest image pixels into white, for the poorest dark pixels black. (Figure 12), of course, this will save time for people who need the convenience, but give up the manual adjustment of automatic mode is rarely the best results. When the color image of the intermediate value is assumed to be the brightest and darkest values value, this method has a greater risk! In many cases, you will want to specify the image in the brightest and darkest part of the special effects in the treatment picture is particularly prominent. You can use the pipette tool to achieve. Select the left of the black straw, in the image window click you want to place it into black and white equally. As our case diagram is a grayscale image, so there's no gray straw used. Fast and accurate! If you are ready to print the image, the color values need to be more determined, double-click the straw, the color pop-up dialog box, you can set the exact values here.

Figure 12


Trick 2: View the brightness value in the curve

This is a cool tip: If you want to know a little office to determine the value of the image, you can move the mouse to the image window, the pointer into a straw look at where you want to see hits, the curve will appear and this point corresponding to the point. When you need to change the brightness value of a particular place and do not know the location of the curve, this method is very useful. Fear can not remember the exact location of it? Not worry, Photoshop long as you think of this. When clicking on the image, hold down the Ctrl key, so that this point will be fixed. (Figure 13)

Figure 13

Trick 3: To strengthen specific areas of contrast

This method is based on the earlier methods, we will optimize the image processing, which is prominent theme of the picture. Many images have a fixed theme, such as the environment, the characters, most of the time, we want to do on this subject than the background screen. As the saying goes: there is steel to make the knife's edge in the energy limited circumstances, we should focus on as much as possible the most important part, prominent center. Just now, we have seen, the steep curve will increase the contrast of the image, and now hold down the Ctrl, click around the screen key to find the corresponding point on the curve. Will take you to multiple points, leaving the top and bottom, to remove the other. Now you know those parts of the curve on the efforts of the. Increase the slope of the curve will get more details. That is not too bright, nor too dark, multi-try, seek, and the picture is balanced. Sometimes the scope will take a little more, that's not a bad thing, just the background. (Figure 14)

Figure 14

The following example is mentioned, the curve in Figure. (Figure 151-153)

Figure 151

Figure 152

Figure 153

With the accumulation of experience, you can gradually see the colors of the pixels in each location of the curve to see the more, the more you can determine what the highlight so, what the dark, you'll know what's what . Before the adjustment curve, this rough analysis is necessary. Once placed, they can still move the adjustment point.浣犱細鍙戠幇锛屽綋浣犳斁缃苟寮?璋冭妭杩欎簺鐐圭殑鏃跺?锛岄瑙堢獥鍙g畝鐩村氨鍍忎綘鐨勭敾甯冧竴鏍风洿瑙傦紝褰撹皟鑺傜偣鐨勪綅缃拰鏇茬嚎鐨勫?鏂滃湪浣犳墜涓嬫敼鍙樻椂锛屽浘鍍忎篃闅忕潃浣犵殑鎰忔?鏀瑰彉銆備綘鍙互涓嶅繀灞?檺浜庝竴涓や釜鐐广? 锛堣櫧鐒禤hotoshop鍏佽浣犳斁缃杈?6涓皟鑺傜偣锛屼絾涓?埇鎯呭喌涓嬶紝涓や釜鐐瑰氨宸茬粡瓒冲浜嗭級璋冭妭鐨勮繃绋嬪皢鍙樺緱蹇?鑰屾湁鏁堬紒褰撶劧锛岃繖涓?垏鐨勫墠鎻愭槸浣犲繀椤诲鍔犵粌涔犮?

Figure 16

銆??杩樻湁涓?偣鏄綘闇?浜嗚В鐨勶細鏇茬嚎涓嶈兘鍚屽浘鐗囧垎绂伙紝涔熸病鏈夊儚涓囬噾娌逛竴鏍峰埌鍝噷閮借兘鐢ㄧ殑鏇茬嚎銆傛瘡寮犲浘鐗囬兘鏄敮涓?殑锛屾墍浠ュ畠鐨勬洸绾夸篃鏄敮涓?殑銆傚浘鐗囦箣闂存渶閫傚悎鐨勬洸绾垮舰鎬佷篃璁镐細澶ф湁涓嶅悓銆傚浘鐗囩殑涓績涔熶笉鍚岋紝鏈夌殑鏄寒閮紙鍐板窛涓婄殑鍖楁瀬鐔婏級锛屾湁鐨勫垯鏄殫閮紙鍦颁笅瀹ょ叅鍫嗕笂鐨勯粦鐚級锛岃繕鏈夌殑鏄腑闂磋皟閮ㄥ垎锛堝儚涓婇潰渚嬪瓙涓殑浜虹墿锛夈?鐜板湪浣犺鐭ラ亾濡備綍瀵逛粯涓嶅悓鐨勫浘鐗囦簡锛氱敤榧犳爣鐐瑰嚮闇?璋冭妭鐨勮寖鍥达紱鍦ㄦ洸绾夸笂鏍囧嚭锛涙敼鍙樻洸绾挎枩鐜囦互澧炲姞瀵规瘮銆備笅闈㈡槸涓や釜渚嬪瓙銆傦紙鍥?6锛?7锛?br />

Figure 17

銆??绗笁绔狅細鐢ㄦ洸绾挎敼鍠勫僵鑹插浘鍍?br />



銆??褰撲綘鍦≧GB妯″紡鐨勫浘鍍忎腑璋冪敤鏇茬嚎鍛戒护鏃讹紝鍚堟垚閫氶亾鐨勪俊鎭皢浼氬嚭鐜板湪灞忓箷榛樿浣嶇疆鐨勪俊鎭爮涓細RGB銆傚鏋滈鑹蹭护浜烘弧鎰忥紝鎵?樊鐨勫彧鏄槑鏆楀拰瀵规瘮搴︼紝閭e氨鍦ㄥ鍚堥?閬撻噷璋冩暣鏇茬嚎锛屾柟娉曞拰鐏板害閫氶亾涓?牱銆傚鏋滈鑹叉湰韬篃闇?淇敼锛屼簨鎯呭氨鍙樺緱绋嶅井鏈夌偣澶嶆潅浜嗐?閭d箞鎬庝箞寮?锛熶粠鍝噷寮?鍛紵涓?紑濮嬶紝浣犻渶瑕佽瘎浼板浘鍍忎腑鐨勯鑹插垎甯冨拰鍚勭棰滆壊鎵?崰鐨勬瘮閲嶏紝鏉ユ秷闄や笉鍜岃皭閮ㄥ垎銆備汉浠湪寮?鐨勬椂鍊欓?甯镐細鐘竴涓ぇ閿欒锛岄偅灏辨槸浠栦滑浼氳锤鐒剁殑鐢ㄩ?鎷╁伐鍏烽?鎷╀粬浠寰椾笉鍚堥?鐨勮壊褰┿?瀹為檯涓婏紝濡傛灉浣犺兘鍦ㄥ浘鍍忕殑鏌愪竴閮ㄥ垎鐪嬪埌杩欐牱鐨勯鑹诧紝閭d箞瀹冨氨澶ф湁鍙兘娓楀叆鏁翠釜鍥惧儚锛屽苟涓旇鍗板埛鍑虹増銆傚鏋滄湁杩欐牱鐨勯鑹插嚭鐜帮紝浣犺鎬庝箞纭畾杩欑棰滆壊锛?br />

Figure 18


銆??鍗佸垎鎶辨瓑锛佹垜鏃犳硶鍛婅瘔浣犵毊鑲ゅ簲璇ユ槸浠?箞棰滆壊锛屼篃鏃犳硶鍛婅瘔浣犱粈涔堟牱鐨勫?閫傜敤浜庣ⅶ缁跨殑鑽夊湴鎴栨捣鍐涜摑锛屼絾涓?鑹插彲浠ヤ綔涓轰綘鐨勫弬鑰冪偣銆傚綋鐒讹紝涓嶆槸姣忓紶鍥句腑閮芥湁涓?鑹诧紝浣嗘槸濡傛灉浣犵湅涓?湅锛屼綘灏变細鎯婅鐨勫彂鐜帮紝鏈夐偅涔堝鐨勫浘浣跨敤浜嗕腑鎬у弬鑰冪偣锛氱櫧鑹茬殑琛。锛岃揣杞︾殑杞儙锛屾涓婄殑涓?紶绾革紝鍧楃煶璺潰涓婄殑娌ラ潚锛岀櫧鑹茬殑鍥存爮锛岃姳宀楀博寤虹瓚鈥︹?浣犲凡缁忔槑鐧芥垜鐨勬剰鎬濅簡锛屽鏋滀綘闇?涓?涓?鑹诧紝閭d箞鍦ㄤ竴绉嶇墿浣撲笂鎵惧埌鐨勬満浼氫細鏄?00锛呫?閭f?鏍锋墠鑳介?鍑洪偅浜涢鑹蹭负淇℃伅闈㈡澘涓墍绀虹殑鍍忕礌鍛紵瀹冨綋鐒朵笉鏄腑鎬ц壊锛岃摑鑹插?杩滆繙灏忎簬绾㈣壊鍜岀豢鑹插?銆傝摑鑹茬殑鍙嶈壊鏄粈涔堬紵鏄紓浜殑榛勮壊銆傛妸瀹冨亣瀹氫负涓?鑹诧紝鎴戜滑鎶婅摑鑹插姞鍏ュ叾浠栭鑹蹭腑銆?br />

Figure 19


Figure 20


Figure 21

Figure 22

銆??鎴戣姳浜嗗緢澶氱殑绡囧箙鐢ㄦ潵鎻忚堪濡備綍鐢ㄤ腑鎬ц壊鏉ユ秷闄ゅ亸鑹诧紝浣嗕笉鏄墍鏈夌殑鍥惧儚閮介渶瑕佽繖鏍凤紒褰撲竴寮犲浘鐨勮壊璋冮渶瑕佸彉寰楁洿鏆栨垨鏄洿鍐凤紝浠ヤ究鍜屽叾浠栫殑鍥剧墖鏇村ソ鐨勯厤鍚堟椂锛屼綘鎵嶉渶瑕佽繖鏍峰仛锛屾瘮濡傞渶瑕佸鍔犻粍瑜愯壊鏉ュじ寮犵収鍦ㄨ崏鍧笂鐨勮惤鏃ヤ綑杈夋垨鏄寒鍏夈?缁欒劯閮ㄧ殑鐨偆澧炴坊灏戣鐨勭孩鑹诧紝鎴栨槸浠庨粍鏄忕殑鍥剧墖涓墧闄や竴浜涢粍鑹诧紝杩欏浣犳潵璇村凡涓嶅湪璇濅笅銆傜被浼肩殑澧炲姞鎴栧噺灏忓姣斿害锛屼綘閮藉彲浠ラ?杩囨洸绾挎潵瀹屾垚銆?br />
銆??鍦ㄤ俊鎭潰鏉夸腑鏌ユ壘闂鐨勬牴婧愶紝鍦ㄦ洸绾垮璇濇涓?鎷╂湁闂鐨勯?閬擄紝杩欐牱灏卞彲浠ュ緢蹇殑娑堥櫎闂銆傚綋浣犳妸榧犳爣浠庡浘鍍忕獥鍙gЩ鍒版洸绾垮璇濇閲岀殑鏃跺?锛屼俊鎭潰鏉块噷鐨勬彁绀轰俊鎭氨浼氭秷澶便?濡傛灉浣犳敼鍙樹簡鏇茬嚎涓婄殑涓?釜鎴栧涓偣锛岄偅涔堝綋榧犳爣鍐嶅洖鍒板浘鍍忕獥鍙o紝淇℃伅鏍忎腑灏变細鏄剧ず鍑哄彉鍖栧墠鍜屽彉鍖栧悗鐨勫樊鍒紙鍥?3锛夈?杩樻湁锛屽墠闈㈡垜浠凡缁忚杩囷紝鎸変綇Ctrl鍦ㄥ浘鍍忓唴鍗曞嚮锛屽彲浠ュ湪鏇茬嚎涓婄‘瀹氱偣锛岃?鍦ㄥ僵鑹插浘鍍忎腑锛岃繖涓姛鑳芥洿鍔犳湁鐢細濡傛灉鐜板湪鏄湪鍗曡壊閫氶亾涓紝鍗曞嚮鏀剧疆鐐瑰氨鍙互浜嗭紱浣嗗鏋滄槸澶氫釜閫氶亾闇?鏀剧疆澶氫釜鐐瑰憿锛熼噸澶嶇殑鍦ㄥ浘鍍忕獥鍙g偣鍑婚渶瑕侀?鎷╃殑鐐瑰彲涓嶆槸涓?欢鎰夊揩鐨勪簨锛岃?涓斿緢闅剧‘淇濇瘡娆¢?鎷╃殑閮芥槸鍚屼竴涓偣銆傝繖鏃跺?锛岄殣钘忓湪鍚哥宸ュ叿涓嬬殑棰滆壊鍙栨牱鍣ㄥ伐鍏峰氨鑳藉府浣犵殑澶у繖浜嗐?鍦ㄥ浘鍍忎笂鐐瑰嚮鏀剧疆鍙傝?鐐癸紝甯︽湁鏍囧彿鐨勫弬鑰冪偣鐨勯鑹蹭俊鎭氨浼氬嚭鐜板湪淇℃伅闈㈡澘涓?鐜板湪鍙傝?鏁板?璋冩暣鏇茬嚎灏卞彲浠ヤ簡銆?br />

Figure 23


銆??瀵规暣涓浘鍍忔垜浠凡缁忕湅浜嗚繖涔堝锛屼絾浣犳湁鏃跺?杩樺緱鐪嬬湅褰撴洸绾胯繍鐢ㄥ湪灞?儴閫夊尯銆傛湁鏃跺?鍓嶆櫙鑹插拰鑳屾櫙鑹蹭笉鍗忚皟锛屾湁鏃跺?鑳屾櫙鑹插お鏆楄?鐗╀綋姝eソ鈥︹?寰堝鎯呭喌閮藉繀椤昏?铏戝湪鍐呫?鍦ㄥ鍥惧儚鍋氬畬鍒囧彲鍋氱殑璋冩暣涔嬪悗锛屾垜浠繕鍙互鐢ㄩ?鎷╁伐鍏烽?鎷╅?鍖猴紝鐢ㄦ洸绾垮仛灞?儴璋冭妭銆傛洸绾垮湪閫夊尯鍐呭拰鍦ㄩ?閬撳唴涓?牱宸ヤ綔銆?br />


銆??琛ュ厖璇存槑锛?br />



銆??2.鎾ゆ秷鍜岄噸鍋?br />

銆??3.鎵瑰鐞?br />
銆??濡傛灉浣犺璁板綍涓?簺鍏锋湁浠h〃鎬х殑鏇茬嚎绫诲瀷锛屼互渚夸笅涓?浠ュ畠搴旂敤鍒扮被浼肩殑鍥剧墖涓幓锛岄偅涔堟柟娉?灏辩埍鑾兘鍔╀簡锛岃繖鏃舵垜浠彲浠ョ敤瀛樺偍鍛戒护锛屽皢涓?釜璋冩暣濂界殑鏇茬嚎褰㈡?瀛樺偍鍦ㄥ浐瀹氱殑鏂囦欢澶逛腑锛岀劧鍚庡啀鐢≒hotoshop鐨凙ction鍛戒护璁板綍杞藉叆鏇茬嚎鐨勮矾寰勶紝杩欐牱锛屼綘灏卞彲浠ュ揩鎹风殑浠ョ浉鍚岀殑鏇茬嚎澶勭悊澶ч噺鐨勫浘鐗囦簡銆?br />
銆??4.璋冩暣灞?br />

Figure 24



Figure 25


Figure 26

Figure 27

Figure 28

Figure 29

銆??鍏充簬鏇茬嚎鎴戜滑浜嗚В杩欎箞澶氫篃鍩烘湰鑳藉簲浠樹簡锛屾洿澶氱殑缁忛獙瑕佸湪瀹炶返涓嚜宸辨懜绱紝濂戒簡锛屽笇鏈涜繖绡囧皬鏂囪兘瀵逛綘鏈夋墍甯姪锛?br />


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